Beautifully written as always Mr. Macri. The "supermodel slipping you her phone number" thought process in signing a superstar is spot on....and hysterical. Keep it up!
Only one comment: Don't sign Randle to an extension this off-season unless it's at a good number that can easily be traded if necessary. Let him prove himself one more time before giving him the big contract.
Beautifully written as always Mr. Macri. The "supermodel slipping you her phone number" thought process in signing a superstar is spot on....and hysterical. Keep it up!
Thank you! I was particularly proud of that one, not going to lie :)
Only one comment: Don't sign Randle to an extension this off-season unless it's at a good number that can easily be traded if necessary. Let him prove himself one more time before giving him the big contract.